by anton | Nov 18, 2014 |
It’s nearing the end of 2014 and everywhere you look you will see people staring down at their mobile devices. In coffee shops, on the train, taxis, and even while driving, being connected everyday everywhere is a reality for many. Even though there are many who still believe that mobile is just a fad and the craze will subside, now is the time to target people that are always connected through their mobile devices. The benefits of mobile advertising is massive and it keeps on evolving with no sign of stopping anytime soon. If you still need convincing that your business should start with a mobile advertising campaign, here’s a couple of points that should convince you if you aren’t already convinced. Mobile advertising is huge Always connected: I don’t know about you, but personally I never leave home without my mobile device. It’s part of me and is always present wherever I go. There’s absolutely no other marketing medium that can integrate in our daily lives so naturally than a mobile device. It’s always on and always connected. Get your message read: Email marketing was the bomb a couple of years ago and still is to many, but in my experience it has become diluted. It’s getting more difficult everyday to get your content read, but with text messaging, that problem is solved. Even though it can be disruptive to a certain extent, you can be sure that your message will be read through mobile advertising. Touch people emotionally: It’s a fact that the best marketing campaigns are the ones that touches people emotionally. A well crafted mobile advertising message...
by anton | Nov 17, 2014 |
Are you new to Mobile Advertising? We have five practical tips to keep in mind when you are constructing your first campaign. It is easy to overlook the simple things, but you will be surprised how big of an impact the basics can have Not all consumers have the same phones One of the unfortunate symptoms of mobile progression is that there are loads of different phones on the market. Apart from smartphones versus non-smartphones, the screens of mobile devices also differ. This impacts the graphics and display of your advertisement. A format that looks super on one phone might only look okay on another. The solution? Test your ads on different phones before you decide on a format. Does the user need to submit data? Do you want the user to exchange data with you? For example: the filling out and submission of an application form? Does their phone need certain capabilities to do it and to you have a means of receiving it on your end? Keep that in mind when constructing your Mobile Advertising campaign. The user has internet related limitations The way that a mobile user connects to the internet will have an influence on his/ her mobile experience and a direct impact on how far you can take your advertising. If a customer’s internet connection is slow, it will take longer for high quality images to download. Also, mobile users usually have some kind of limit on the amount of cap they use for browsing. Thus, if you are wasting their cap, they will simply move on. The user isn’t connected to a printer...
by anton | Nov 14, 2014 |
USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) is a mobile product that allows a company to use their computers to communicate with customers’ cell phones. How can this give your business an edge, you ask? Let’s find out! You get more characters Some people argue that USSD Push and Pull message could even be better for client communication than text messages. Maybe, maybe not. But what we can say for certain is that you can fit more characters into such a message than you can with a SMS. It makes you look more accessible It is also a real-time connection, which implies that the customer will experience it like that as well. It allows a brand to be more responsive and data can be exchanged in a flash. In other words, you appear more eager to help your customer because you are able to respond in the “here and now.” It provides your customers with shortcuts You can use USSD to create interactive mobile menus. For customers who don’t have the time or patience (or who are simply not comfortable) to speak to a live consultant, this can be a dream come true. Instead of explaining what they want to a person, they can choose a suitable option from a set menu. It is literally as easy as 1,2,3! It can make more of your services available Because USSD Push and Pull messages can be used for a variety of functions, it can enable you to make more of your services available on mobile. You can safely send passwords, polls, alerts, notifications, updates, promotional material etc. It can also allow you to...
by anton | Nov 12, 2014 |
A VAS (Value Added Services) aggregator is usually a company that specializes in mobile related products and services for business. Why should you make use of such a company? We can give you (at least) five reasons. You can shape and mold their products You will be able to choose from a variety of cutting edge mobile products and services. But what makes it even better, is that you can use their products for a variety of things. Take a SMS platform for example. You can use it for hardcore marketing the one day and whish a customer a happy birthday the next. You can bend, mould and shape it to suit different needs on different occasions. It will streamline your business A VAS aggregator’s whole mission is to supply you with the mobile tools that will streamline your communication and marketing efforts with your own offerings. Part of the idea is also to make this as easy as possible for you and your employees to do so. Thus, their platforms and programmes are usually quite user-friendly. You get value for money Your company’s bottom-line is very important – you can’t afford to waste any money on expensive products that can’t deliver results. That is why a VAS aggregator has affordable packages that can suit different budgets. Plus, in comparison to other marketing methods, mobile is way cheaper than other forms of mass advertising. It will give you a competitive edge You can reach your customers anytime, anywhere. And we aren’t talking only locally, but even international as well. Think about it. An ad on the radio, a billboard or in...
by anton | Nov 12, 2014 |
Did you know that by 2015 one in two mobile phones will be a smartphone? Feature phones are still prominent in Africa, but with all the low cost smartphones entering the market such as the MTN Steppa, the adoption rate for smartphone usage is rapidly increasing. With this, just imagine what impact this will have on mobile web consumption, search, and marketing in the future. Mobile phone carriers all around the world are busy encouraging users to upgrade to a smartphone for a number of reasons than just pure revenue. Data mining, mobile advertising, and market segmentation to name but a few provides huge value to mobile service carriers to understand their clients better and to provide them with services to fit their needs. Mobile advertising and your brand What does this mean for your business? You should be ready and prepared for the explosion in mobile advertising which can open up your business to a highly engaged mobile market. It’s a fact that more people are accessing the web from their mobile devices than traditional desktop browsers. Why? Because it’s more cost effective and many households – especially in Africa doesn’t have access to the internet other than their mobile device. It’s an always on connected device so it will be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity while it’s still young and brands are still focused on traditional advertising methods. Online you will already find many big brands taking advantage of various mobile advertising campaigns like KFC, MTN, Vodacom, InTarget and other big players. These brands have mobile optimised responsive websites and applications. They are also busy with...