What to keep in mind for your 2015 SMS Marketing campaigns Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 of our blog post, we are looking at a few important guidelines to help your brand’s SMS Marketing messages really stand out in 2015. You now know that you have to be more than just a pretty face, but else can you do? Rebrand yourself If you are really struggling to come up with clever marketing content, maybe it is time to go back to the basics. Be realistic: if your logo, slogan, company name or image is dull and boring, you are wasting resources to try and come up with great initiatives. You need something to work with. And if it means totally revamping your brand, then do it! If you didn’t have anything place, it is high time you do something about it. Be where your customers are Consumers are making use of multiple platforms to communicate with a business – from social media to SMS. Your job is to ensure that you communicate a consistent message on every platform. For example: If you are running a competition on Facebook, use SMS Marketing to let people know about it. Remember that people are always on the move, but the one thing they always have with them, is their mobile phone. Tip: Don’t try to specialize in one platform alone. Be everywhere! Focus on the customer experience With all the tracking tools available nowadays, it isn’t that hard to research and to get to know your customers. This implies that your competitors can do the exact same thing. If you want to make an impression and build lasting relationships you have to make the...
Benefits of mobile advertising

Benefits of mobile advertising

Mobile advertising and marketing is not only one of the best ways to promote your brand to your target audience, but it’s also one of the cleverest advertising mediums. While this can be said about most advertising platforms, mobile advertising is unique. Your mobile phone hardly leaves an arm distance from you and they are so much more than just a phone. It’s an always on always connected device. Your mobile is your world and you are using it in more ways than just a phone such as using it to read and respond to emails, play games, listen to music, engaging with your friends on social media or just interacting with some apps. Mobile advertising is the easiest way of impressing and reaching your target audience. Why? Have a read below. Always on, always connected Your mobile device is seldom switched off and always within arms length of you. This means that it’s always on and connected which gives you the opportunity to advertise 24/7. This doesn’t mean you should advertise at 3:00 AM just for the sake of it,however this does give you freedom in creating smart marketing campaigns. Use different times of the day to target multiple markets. It’s personal communication You can create mobile advertising campaigns so that they take on the form of direct communication to the recipient or viewer. This can drive engagement and it makes it more personal. Driving engagement is king with marketing and this medium gives you the ability to personalise your marketing messages. Study your target audience As said earlier, your mobile phone hardly leaves your side and so it can be used to study your...

What to keep in mind for your 2015 SMS Marketing campaigns Part 1

Are you already enjoying a relaxing vacation or still hard at work at the office? Either way, you know that you have to start planning for your 2015 SMS Marketing campaigns sooner rather than later. And yes, it is a tall order, especially at this time of year. Everyone is feeling tired and creativity is running low. Changes are good that everybody in the boardroom is scratching their heads and simply looking at each other with “what are we going to do?” faces. Now, being a creative genius is up completely up to you. But the good news is that we can make your life much easier by giving you a few guidelines for the coming year. So while you are recharging your battery or waiting for an awesome idea to hit you in the head, here are a few things to think about for your 2015 SMS Marketing campaigns. Not just a pretty face Your brand has to focus on being more than “just another brand” and more than simply being a pretty face. You already know that you have to create content for your messages that are unique, but you have to go beyond that to be relevant. Consumers are getting all the more picky about what they are sharing with their friends, because it seems that the same old stuff gets circulated over and over again. So while it may be nice to use a different picture, you won’t get anywhere by using to same old sayings and phrases. Seeing as one of the great benefits about SMS Marketing is the fact the people can forward...
Text tags: An excellent way to reach your target market

Text tags: An excellent way to reach your target market

Mobile advertising is increasingly being implemented and adopted by new and established businesses around the globe. (Text Tags) is one of the fastest growing methods to promote your brand either to promote your business or to provide your target audience with valuable information. Text tags are targeted, affordable and one of the easiest ways that you can convey your brand message to selected demographics. The number of active mobile devices is increasing everyday and almost everyone has a mobile handset. There are many people (including myself), with more than one handset. It’s not just a craze, mobile technology is evolving  faster  than we can adapt. It’s a portable always on always connected device. This creates an excellent opportunity for brands to effectively communicate with their target audience and be ensured that their brand message will be delivered and read. Mobile advertising is more than Text Tags Embedded mobile applications and smartphones have enhanced this mobile craze. Your mobile device isn’t just a device that you can use to call and SMS someone. Games, camera, music, and various apps are some of the great features of smartphones. Smart advertisers can ensure that their brand message gets delivered to these users who are continuously attached to their mobile phones. At some stage, these users will see the brand message sent to them through the various apps and if they are interested, they might consider interacting/buying the service or product. If they are not interested they can simply delete the message in their inbox. With this, advertisers should be clever with the messages that they are sending and not spam their demographic. The content of the message should be...

Understanding the potential of Mobile Advertising

To realize the potential of Mobile Advertising, one must understand a little bit about the mobile industry as a whole and where it is going. This is why you shouldn’t ignore the humble cell phone as a powerful marketing tool. Television, radio and paper-based ads are still effective – nobody can argue with that. However, the potential that mobile holds to reach consumers are growing bigger and wider with each passing year. People rely so heavily on their mobile phones that they expect more and more services and products to be made available via this channel. They don’t want hundreds of devices that function separately – they want everything streamlined on one thing. Plus they want to expand as little energy as possible to operate it. It is thus not so farfetched to say that cell phones are fast becoming the one device to rule them all The time for sitting on the sidelines and watching other brands rake in the cash, are gone. It is time for your brand to get in on the action of Mobile Advertising. Listen to your consumers. They crave mobile aggregation. They want to search, order and pay for your products in one swoop. They want your products and services at their fingertips. Regardless of age, race, gender, income or nationality, consumers all over the world are turning their attention towards mobile. They use it for anything from purchasing concert tickets, subscribing to magazines or following the latest celebrity gossip. Is your brand present? Is it shouting loud and clear: “here I am!” If your answer is no, why not? Mobile Advertising is...