5 Ways Social Media can strengthen your Mobile Advertising
Consumers spend a lot of time on Social Media, and as recent statistics have shown, mobile devices are becoming the tools of choice for web browsing. So, what does this have to do with your Mobile Advertising? Mobile is the place to be Your customers are constantly updating their Facebook status and posting Tweets from their phone. The reason for this is because people always have their mobile devices on them wherever they go. This provides your brand with a golden opportunity to be where your customers are. It doesn’t matter if you advertise on the social network itself or have a mobile search ad, your Mobile Advertising can reach your customers in the palm of their hand. Your social followers already like you People don’t just follow brands left and right on social media, because following a brand means that you will constantly receive communication from them. In other words, your social followers don’t follow you “by accident” – they already like you and they actually want to hear from you. Talk about highly focussed marketing! Power in numbers Just like it is easy for customers to forward your Mobile Advertising text messages to their friends, so they can share your posts on social media. A clever marketing message has the potential to go viral and reach a mass amount of people. Fostering loyal relationships Long after your particular mobile campaign has ended, your customers will still be on your social media. All you have to do is make sure that you keep the trust as well as the relationship alive on your social media. You can do...
Mobile Advertising: Why it is important to understand your tools
Mobile Advertising is an exciting new opportunity for marketers. Some brands get so bedazzled that they dive in headfirst, only to find themselves drowning in problems. Let’s take a look at why it is important to understand your tools first. Just like Twitter is limited to 140 characters or a SMS to 160, so mobile devices likes smartphones and tablets have their own limitations. Before you can start planning any kind of marketing strategy, you need to have a basic understanding of how mobile devices work – especially if you want to concentrate on online digital marketing. And you need to understand this from the user (customer’s) perspective. Try browsing the web and clicking on Mobile Advertisements from your own device. (Have a look at your competitors while you are at it.) What are you noticing? Some things simply don’t work that well on mobile because of the small screen size – text are often cramped together and the images can be hard to view. I often find that links on some websites are so close together in the copy, that while I indented to click on Link A, I end up clicking on Link C. This is so frustrating! When I try this a second time and I still get the wrong link, I simply close the site and move on to another. Yes, the world of Mobile Advertising can be a bit harsh, and that is why so many digital marketers completely miss the mark. But don’t give up if you fail the first time. We all have to make mistakes in order to learn and grow....
4 Excellent Mobile Advertising strategies for small businesses
Competing with big or well-established companies is hard for any small business. But, just because your team is small or your resources limited, it doesn’t mean you can’t make a killing with Mobile Advertising. Research your competitors It is always good to know what your competitors are up to. Imagine finding out that your biggest rival doesn’t even do Mobile Advertising – bonus! But if they are active on mobile, you need to make sure that you can outshine, or at least compete head to head, with them. Quality content is king You want to attract customers, not scare them away. And you only have a few seconds to make a good impression. Keeping this in mind, make sure that your Mobile Advertising is on point. If you are including images in your message, make sure the quality is good and that it displays correctly on a mobile screen. Your copy also has to contain all the info your customers need to make an informed decision – from what you are offering right through to your contact details. And please make sure your links are working AND that they point to the correct page on your site! Add that personal touch You would be surprised to know that small things can go a long way in Mobile Advertising. If you address a customer by their first name in a text message, you show that your customer isn’t just another number. Always remember that customers like to feel special – and you can instil this feeling in different ways. Reward loyal customers Who doesn’t like to be rewarded! Customers adore...