by anton | Jul 30, 2014 |
What on earth does Number Scrubbing have to do with Mobile Compliance? Well, if you think about it carefully, it actually makes complete sense. This is why. Mobile Compliance, in a peanut shell, refers to the requirements that a provider has to adhere to in accordance with the law – especially those regulations that have to do with consumer rights. For instance, mobile providers are not allowed to target children or send messages to a consumer’s phone after the consumer chose the “opt out” option. The point of these regulations are to protect consumers. If you are concerned that such compliance rules will keep you from running your marketing campaigns to the fullest, just remember, such regulations benefit you as a business as well because it will keep you from becoming annoying and losing customers. Number Scrubbing is the act of getting rid of phone numbers on your contact list that have become irrelevant to you. It could be because the numbers are outdated (don’t exist anymore), duplicated during your data capturing process, or belong to customers who have opted out of your mobile marketing. See where I am going with this? That is why you can regard number washing/ HLR lookup as part of your commitment to stay within in the bounds of Mobile Compliance. As you can deduce, it is very easy to make mistakes when compiling your customer contact list. Doing it old school (manually) is not always the best idea. For example: Sending the same marketing material twice or to customers who don’t want to be contacted via text, will only serve to make you...
by anton | May 19, 2014 |
Number Scrubbing in general refers to the process of amending or removing data from a database that is incorrect, incomplete, improperly formatted, or duplicated. But what does this have to do with your business? You probably have accumulated a long list of telephone numbers over the years from your customers. However, people regularly change their phone numbers or switch from a landline to a cell phone. Also, you will always have a small percentage of numbers that were recorded incorrectly. Or you might even sit with a list of numbers that have opted out of your mobile marketing, but it still has to be removed. Without knowing it, your contact list, which you have worked so hard on, might not be so golden anymore. You could be thinking that it is not that big of a deal and you don’t need a program for Number Scrubbing, but did you know that you lose resources every time you send marketing messages to non-existing numbers? Sure you can hire extra help to painstakingly go through your contact list once a month. But it takes loads of time to accomplish this. Not to mention that you will have to pay someone (or even a team) to get it done. What can Number amount of time and can be less costly than fixing errors manually. If you don’t have your finger on the pulse of your business’s contact base, your marketing won’t be nearly as effective as you want it to be. Don’t let your weeks of toiling and planning campaigns go down the drain because you aren’t reaching your customers. And certainly...