by anton | Jun 10, 2013 |
Integrat offers mobile products, services and support to help place your business on the map. No matter the size of your company, access to your transactions & revenue stats, login in with your account details on our website. Call centre support We operate a fully equipped call centre in eleven languages with state of the art call centre ticketing, recording, call management, VOIP routing, tracking and transaction log access and call reporting capabilities. The call centre staff provide basic device support e.g. instructions on WAP enablement and device compatibility. The more prominent function though is to facilitate unsubscribe requests, comparing this with refund indicators and processing refunds when warranted. During office hours, this is the number to call: +27 (0) 11 062 1400 In case of an emergency, dial +27 (0) 82 511 7837 For unsubscription queries our contact details are as follows: Telephone: +27 (0) 11 062 1402 or E-mail: Get in touch with Integrat now for all your mobile aggregation...