Mobile Is The Sme’s Best Friend

Mobile Is The Sme’s Best Friend

Most of us still tend to think of mobile marketing as the territory of large corporations. When we read that Coca-Cola is the mobile marketer of the year and hear of top executives like Eric Schmidt saying that mobile marketing is outstripping all of Google’s predictions, you tend to believe that mobile marketing is the preserve of the very biggest. That perception is reinforced because mobile marketing strategies can sound very confusing when brand managers start throwing around acronyms from CPC (cost per click) to USSD (unstructured supplementary data).

The perception that mobile is blue chip domain is simply wrong. While InTarget has indeed crafted effective mobile campaigns for some of the African continent’s best-known insurance, banking and automotive brands, we’ve also worked with start-ups who needed a bespoke and humble beachhead into the world of mobile marketing. This brings us to the topic of today’s blog and that’s some good, old-fashioned practical advice for SME’s wanting to try out mobile marketing for the first time. Firstly, it’s always a good idea to come for a chat at a mobile marketing specialist like InTarget, but there are some mobile tactics the start-up on a shoestring budget can try out initially on their own.

Possibly the best mobile marketing tactic for the SME is simply capturing cellphone numbers of potential customers. This, of course, has to be done in a responsible way so as not to eventually amount to spamming mobile users. We’ve seen examples of database-building that are as simple as a gym offering local residents the chance to win a free membership by texting a keyword to either a short code number or a salesperson’s own mobile number. By electing to give away its own product or service – as opposed to a random gift – the SME is attracting potential clients who value what it provides in the marketplace.

If your SME needs more mobile marketing advice to get with the times, please do contact us.



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