by anton | Jun 6, 2014 |
SMS Service Providers are companies that offer SMS services (sometimes products as well). They usually act as a middle man between a mobile network operator and mobile users. These companies are also referred to a SMS Gateway providers or SMS resellers. Some people think that SMS Service Providers are their own little island and not dependant on other companies, but this is not the case. They usually have an arrangement with mobile networks (e.g. Vodacom, MTN, Cell C) to use their message centres in order to provide a service to consumers. In other words, they aren’t mobile networks themselves. In some cases, it might be more expensive for consumers to deal directly with mobile operators when it comes to buying things like bulk SMS. That is where SMS Service Providers come in. They will negotiate better rates and deals for certain services so they can offer cheaper options to their clients. But, as with all things that seem too good to be true, consumers should always be wary when service providers offer them extremely low rates. In such cases the quality of the service might not be up to par and the consumer will subsequently “pay the price”. What does it mean when a website or SMS Service provider offers free SMS? The sender of a text message is usually the one who carriers the cost of the message – not the receiver. Thus, even though a site offers messages free of charge to users, someone still has to pay for it. Usually, the owner of the site carries the cost – that is why consumers are offered a...