Mobile Marketing Improves The Bottom Line Of For-profit And Non-profits Alike

Mobile Marketing Improves The Bottom Line Of For-profit And Non-profits Alike

With recent news that WASPA (the Wireless Application Service Providers’ Association of SA) has reduced the cost of becoming an Affiliate Member for registered non-profit organisations by 90%, and the fact that we’re in the annual season of giving, it’s perhaps a pertinent time to take a look at mobile marketing for NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and charities.

The days of dedicated individuals standing near shop doorways shaking tins full of copper coins might not be totally over, but they’re disappearing fast. As many a car guard is discovering to their annoyance, it’s becoming harder and harder for the average person to actually locate a coin in their wallets, pockets or handbags. With a combination of ubiquitous card machines to be found everywhere from your major retailer to the guy who cleans your pool, and mobile payments made via cellphone becoming so much easier, who needs – or wants – hard cash these days? I love m-commerce and cellphone banking because it’s so much easier to budget for things. Who can budget properly after withdrawing copious amounts of cash from the ATM? In my home, it just seems to disappear without a trace!

With all of this happening in the marketplace these days, it’s a wise charity that invests in a proper mobile marketing effort. Many mobile marketing firms will offer their services to registered non-profits at a reduced rate, or even pro-bono, so InTarget’s advice to these worthy organisations is not to try and embark on a mobile marketing effort on the cheap. The result will be nasty. Don’t be afraid to approach a quality mobile marketing organisation that can serve as a trusted advisor to your charity. Advice is free and we’re willing to give it in our own quest to make a positive difference in this country we all want to succeed.



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