Banks are always looking for ways to add security to their clients’ transactions. But did you know that USSD Aggregators can assist with this?
People often fall victim to card scams and cloning at ATMs. Every time financial institutions find a solution for one problem, scam artists simply discover another loophole or way to commit fraud. Banks spend a lot of money to fight these problems, but it isn’t always enough.
But one company called Watago, a child company of Eyeline Communications, found a way to use Unstructured Supplementary Service Data against fraudsters.
Their system enables clients to be in complete control of their ATM activities via their mobile phone. The USSD Aggregator allows the user to receive a notification on their phone whenever their bank card is used. The user then accepts or declines the transaction by replying with a corresponding number on the message. Thus, the transaction can’t take place if the client doesn’t authorise it.
It is also, according to an article on, impossible to use a duplicate a locked or “empty” card – you need to know the password and the time interval when the funds are available. Not only the client, but also the bank is warned by the system when there are repeated unsuccessful attempts to use a client’s bank card.
The main reason that such a venture could be successful, is because of the availability of the technology. USSD, like SMS, works on all mobile devices, and doesn’t require a particular operating system.
It will give a bank client peace of mind that he/ she has an extra layer of security when it comes to financial transactions. Even if the system doesn’t turn out to be one hudred percent bulletproof, the simple fact that you made it more difficult for a fraudster to get his hands on your money, makes this system worth implementing.
USSD has many uses outside the marketing sphere. USSD Aggregators can help to create a better mobile experience across all industries and countries.
Integrat can help with all your Unstructured Supplementary Service Data needs. You can phone, email or fax us at our offices in Pretoria.
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