Continuing from our previous article about what you should know before you get started on you Location Based Service (LBS) marketing, here are a few more practical tips and tricks.
Make it useful and valuable
Before you go trigger happy with your campaign, you need to stop and ask yourself: “Will my clients find this useful? How will this add value to their lives?” Why?
Thus, make sure your website displays correctly on mobile.
Secondly, stick to platforms that are simple and familiar. Facebook is a good example, because everybody knows how it works. You can take a gander at apps like Yelp, Mapquest and Foursquare as well – depending on your location.
Location Bases Services is a great marketing tool. Just get the basics right and the world can be your proverbial oyster.
The very first step on your journey? Call Integrat, and we will get you started!
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